Tuesday 12 January 2021


I have seen several links to petitions about neonicotinoids. Some of these contain accurate information and others do not. Accurate information link.

Couple of points:

The government's policy on this presumably continues to be inline with EU law, which included this 'emergency' loophole. Are the precautions taken sufficient in the link above? That's for you to decide. Should the UK continue to adhere to the standard of an external authority, or should this country set an example of higher standards by not allowing loopholes? You decide that, too. Write to your MP.

Please do not add your name to petitions that are inaccurate or contain misinformation (the government to my knowledge has not granted permission for farmers to 'spray crops with neonicotinoids'). If such petitions come before the government, they will likely just disregard them. And time spent looking at bogus petitions means time wasted that could have been spent on more deserving ones.

Remember that neonicotinoids are a derivative of a natural product called nicotine. A major thrust of the reasoning for neonicotinoids being developed was because nicotine was just too damn poisonous and dangerous. It is still legal to buy products containing nicotine and to use them as pesticides (or as something else). Is it right and proper that so many different products containing this as an active ingredient should be so easily available and disposed of without precaution? Might smoking nicotine products and the litter produced from them be polluting the environment and harming insects?

Tobacco by Dominik Haenni

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